Monday, November 26, 2012

Fear Assessment

I've already written pretty extensively about what I was doing for this assignment and why so I'm not sure what's left to go over. I'm writing a book. It will be my first completed novel. I quit my job, I've reassessed my life and gone back to what I've wanted to do/be since I was 8 years old. Reactions? I suppose they were supportive. Nothing was non-supportive. I don't know that anyone but Beth had a lot to say, which is fine. I think I expected that this assignment would have more shock value, or at least other people's projects would, and that would make mine pretty boring to them. It was surprising to me to see so much personal stuff come from it and I don't think for anyone who has taken that road that class reaction, as long as it's not in a way that tears us down, is all that important because it's about personal growth and not for anyone else.

There isn't really anything I would do differently. Things came into place in a certain way for a reason and I have no reason to doubt that it's providential.

 As for whose stood out to me the most in class, I would say Lou's. Beth kinda had to dig for it but his revelation on love and decision to handle it through letters I really liked and could relate to. It was very honest, examined some things I've also had to learn recently about taking chances, and I love the idea of letters. I keep everything like that, and to have something like it is a personal touchstone to return to. It means something more than all of these other fleeting forms of communication. It means you cared enough to take the time but also that you feel strongly enough to set it down on a lasting tangible document that could survive. It means you thought about what to say and spent time with it. At least that's what it has always meant to me.

Monday, November 12, 2012

I Predict...

So I'm suppose to predict what the reaction will be to my fear assignment. I predict people won't really care. It ain't flashy, or for anyone but me and I have no props or anything to even show.

Monday, November 5, 2012

To Write, Perchance to Dream...

I put most of this in the previous blog but I will put it here as well. What I decided to 'create' was a book. I got on NaNoWriMo, a website for National Novel Writer's Month that is set up to help you write a book in a month. My best friend told me about it the night before it started (November 1st) so I had no time to consider it and think of reasons not to do it. A book in a month.... Yeah it sounds crazy and impossible but I'm willing to give it a shot. I have wanted to be a published writer for most of my life and have never had problems with plot -- there are fully thought out plot lines in my head and have been for a very long time. It's the doing it. I guess the fear of failure overrides the fear of not even trying. I start to write them and never finish. Perhaps the failure is supposedly different if I am the one to make it happen (by making nothing happen)? I don't know. If you don't try you never fail they say, but really that's the biggest failure of all. Well, I've come to the conclusion that I would rather try, rather finish SOMETHING. 

This is all new to me really. Scheduled writing. Pushing myself to do it everyday instead of just when it 'hits me'. But so far it's working. Sorry, nothing graphic to show the class. I've been busy writing. Every day. It's weird. It's good. I like it.